As the pressure for financial prudence and management intensifies, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), European Union (EU) and the Federal Government SDG’s office organized a two-day capacity building workshop on the harmonization of revenues at various local government areas in Abia state.

The workshop which was held on the 1st and 2nd of February 2024 at the Abia State Internal Revenue Board in collaboration with the Abia State Ministry of Budget and Economic planning, had participants drawn from the 17 Local Government Area of the State.

The workshop was an eye opener for the Abia Tax Collection Officers and Managers, because they were educated on how to be effective and efficient in ensuring that tax payers are properly guided.

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While lecturing during the workshop, Professor Chidiebere Ekwe and Professor W. U. Aru charged the participants on the need for proper documentation of various means and measures of generating revenue, they also stated that receipting of all payment is paramount for proper documentation.

The professors went further to explain, that it is through the revenues collected, that Roads, schools, Health centers are built and salaries of workers are paid.

After the lectures, a forum was opened to allow participants write on papers, what the government needs to do to ensure adequate collections of taxes and to help make sure that the necessary documentations are put in place.

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However, the forum came to a close with some participants pointing out areas of challenge at their various LGAs that needs to be improved for effective Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) performance. Some lamented on the lack of Security, Office equipment’s, Vehicles, power supply and computer with other accessories.

While concluding, the convener Dr. Charles Ukauwa encouraged the participants to go back to their various LGAs and get to work. He also reassured them that all of their issues will get to the appropriate quarters and will be attended to.

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